Cootamundra Antique Motor Club


Prospective members are welcome to attend club functions and are required to attend at least 2 functions (meetings or club runs) prior to applying for membership.

Following receipt of the correctly completed application form the application will be discussed and voted on at the next meeting. Prospective members are requested not to attend the meeting when their application is being processed. Following the vote on the membership application a letter advising of the result of the vote will be posted to the applicant(s).

Download our Membership Information file (note: the file will open in a new window) which contains a copy of the Cootamundra Antique Motor Club constitution (The Club), A Club membership application form and other information for prospective members.

Join our Club

Download, print and complete our Membership form and Vehicle Information Form then post or email it to us and we'll be in contact.

Membership form (PDF 183.99 kb)

Cootamundra Antique Motor Club
PO Box 27, Cootamundra NSW 2590
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